Stabilator – Started
Started a new section of the empennage – the main section of the horizontal stabilizer, aka Stabilator.
It looks like it may take some time to build it.
It is larger and more complex than anything I’ve build so far on this plane.
Spend 2 hours to go just through one page of the plans.
Plans call for countersinking for CS4-4 rivets. Caution! The countersinking for this rivets should be done with 120 degrees bits, not the 100 degrees bit. They could have mentioned it on the plans. They dont forget to put “Deburr all edges and drilled holes” on every page but did not bother to warn people about something that is so easy to do wrong. Thanks to good people from other RV-12 blogs such as I was prepared 🙂
Spend 2 hours
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